Friday, August 29, 2003
  I'm back for a quick update despite the best efforts of my eyes to close permanently (er, at least for 8 hours). Tuesday night one of the girls who will be on the plane with me (Laura) called me and we talked for about an hour; we have so much in common that it's uncanny, and I feel even better now knowing that she'll be on the plane with me and a source of support. Just happening to talk to someone like that out of the blue, when I've been saying to Jesse that I wish I had more girlfriends in my life, really showed me yet again that this is precisely the path I'm supposed to be on at this point in my life. I don't often connect with women; I've always tended to get along better with men because they're so much more easy going and tend not to be caddy and backstabbing, so the fact that I met this person by chance and get along with her so well really struck me.
As I'm sure you can well imagine, things are really coming to a head for me over here in adventure land (that makes it sound like a ball of fun or an adventure park, but it hasn't always felt that way!). Tomorrow will be my last day at work and I'm feeling a little emotional about that. I know moving on to bigger and better things will be the best thing for me, but the right thing is usually the hardest thing to do. This job has basically been my security blanket for almost twelve years, and it's a bit difficult to walk away from even though it often made me angry. It's also more than a little scary to step out of one's comfort zone and take a chance; my chance is the opportunity to discover whether or not I actually want to teach, but that's also scary because if I hate it I'll have no idea what to do with myself when I get back. Laurie's right; we do overanalyze. I'm just going to let whatever happens happen, and trust that everything in my life is exactly as it should be. I'm probably the most uptight fatalist you'll ever meet!!
Tomorrow night Jesse and I are going to have our campout in the yard; we're setting up the tent, having a fire, making hot dogs and s'mores, and we have to spend the whole night outside (except for bathroom breaks and to put the dishes away) just like if we were camping. I'm looking very much forward to it!
That's all for now! 
Monday, August 25, 2003
  Well here I am after yet another hiatus, with tons to say and not much energy to do it! Thursday night Jesse and I went shopping for a suitcase and we ended up getting a great deal on it, so now I have two big suitcases and won't have to worry so much about not having enough space for everything I want to pack. Friday night Laurie and I had our much anticipated sleepover (the first in many years) and I had a really good time. We did pedicures and talked for hours, as well as looked at old pictures and notes she'd accumulated over our 10 years of friendship. Saturday we lazed about in our pj's until 3, got ready, and went to my dad and Katherine's for dinner. Jesse was supposed to go too but it turns out his staff/summer party at his dad's was also scheduled for the same night, and he went there instead. Laurie and I had lots of fun, ate great food, and had a really nice visit. It turns out that my dad had an ulterior motive for getting me over there, the result of which is that I am typing this blog on my new kick-ass laptop. It came with XP and a CD burner, among other things, and we spent a couple of hours updating everything through their internet connection because mine (dial-up) would have taken too long. I am so excited, as I've always wanted a laptop, and now I can keep in close contact with everyone while I'm away, as well as work on my book whenever I get bored. In addition to this generous and shocking gift, my dad also framed a picture of us with a poem printed overtop about daughters being little girls then all of a sudden being women heading out on their own. As you can imagine, I balled my face off (several times, admittedly), and it was a very overwhelming evening. Fortunately I was not the only one in tears, as Laurie and my dad shed their fair share as well (all of which Katherine has captured on film; can't wait to see how gorgeous I look in those pictures!) I am so blessed that I haven't the words at times to express my ingratitude to all of my nearest and dearest who have been so supportive and helpful as I prepare for my big adventure. I swear that I am, hands down, the luckiest girl in the world.
A final bit of good news - I've been in contact with two of the girls who will be on the plane with me. They seem really nice, and it's going to make it so much easier knowing someone, even a little, who's going through the same things as me. One of the girls said she'll be balling her eyes out too, so thank goodness I won't be the only one making a scene on the plane! Will keep you informed over the next two weeks, which are sure to be harried and hectic. Last step: packing. But I won't start that until next weekend, which is when Jesse and I start our holidays. Ciao!
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
  Not much new to report in the adventure department; still picking up last minute things as I think of them, but other than that, as I said before, all I have to do now is pack. Jesse's going to get me another suitcase instead of a digital camera, because there's just no way I can fit everything into the smaller one I got for a grad present.
Saturday night we went out for a night on the boat with Barb, Frank and Sean. I had a really good time, despite the fact that I was the only one on board who didn't snore all night - even Buddy snored! Mental note - don't ever leave home without earplugs again! We became pioneers of sorts when we discovered that there was no propane in the tank and couldn't cook our steaks; Barb and Frank were really worried that we were upset, but I thought it was cool how we improvised and threw a great meal together in under five minutes. We ended up full anyway, so no great catastrophe! Sunday we hung out to check the crab traps every hour (didn't catch any that were big enough to keep) and spent some time on the beach. Despite getting burnt to a crisp because I fell asleep in the sun on the way back home, it was a great day. We got home totally exhausted but glad to have had some good times and fresh air. I must add here that I am forever grateful to the manufacturers of Imodium, who saved my life yet again. It is not fun to have a "situation" on a small boat with a central bathroom, the activities in which can be heard by everyone aboard. Enough said! :)
Chow for now! 
Thursday, August 14, 2003
  I was just telling Laurie yesterday that the novelty of blogging begins to wear off after a while, and can quickly start to feel like a chore when there is so much to say and so little time in which to say it. That's why, yet again, I'm sneaking some time at work to update this for my three loyal readers who, I'm sure, are dying to hear the latest details of my life - make that two, as Laurie knows what I've been up to.
Joelle's stag on Saturday was sooo much fun. I don't see those girls that often for a number of reasons I won't go into here, but I had lots of fun with them. Drank way too much, laughed and yelled so much that my throat still hurts, made some new friends (thank goodness Joelle has such good, fun people in her life!), and got hit on more at the bar than I've ever been hit on in my life (here's a tip for any girls out there who might happen to be reading this: wear a veil to the bar and guys won't be able to resist you. I swear it's true. Our bride wouldn't wear hers so I did, and man does it ever work. Um . . . not that I wanted guys to hit on me, being that I'm . . . ahem . . . spoken for . . .) The limo ride was also really fun but caused a few really annoying problems that I won't go into here. Suffice it to say that when I help Elaine plan Laurie's none of that B.S. will occur - and I mean none. Monday was Joelle's surprise shower which unfortunately did not end up being a surprise due to someone's ignorance about the scheduling of surprises; I won't say anymore about that either. Joelle's sister did a fantastic job of putting the whole thing together; lots of fun, amazing food, etc. Thankfully Laurie and I threw a few risqué gifts in with Joelle's gift, as no one else did anything even remotely dirty. Different crowd I guess; if it had been my shower, knowing the women in my life, things would have quickly deteriorated into an evening of raunch and debauchery.
Tigger's vet appointment was great; the vet said he's beautiful, in great condition and in good health, and that he has lot's of healthy years ahead of him as far as she can tell. She also said that she's getting lots of cats coming in that are living well into their 20s, which makes me really happy because I wish I could have T around forever. Love my baby!
What else can I report? Oh yeah - I purchased my traveller's cheques yesterday and ended up extremely ticked off. They cost almost $500 more than they would have if I'd purchased them three weeks ago when I requested them from my bank. Makes me doubly glad I went through all that B.S. over them and was told not to bother ordering them until mid August. Sure glad I didn't go with my gut instinct and do it then. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now. Finally, I also purchased my prescriptions yesterday, and received my work Visa in the mail (faxed a copy to the company this morning as per their request), which means that ALL of the major stuff is now taken care of. All I have to do is pick up a few last minute things (like dental floss which is apparently very expensive there for some reason) and pack. Not that packing is going to be a simple endeavour, but since it's the last thing I have to do I guess I should be relieved. I'm getting a bit more excited as well as teary and nervous. But definitely excited. I'm going to be in Japan in 3 weeks. Achhhh!!!! So hard to believe. 
Saturday, August 09, 2003
  Back for a quick update! I forgot to mention that yesterday I had my last vaccinations done, so that's one more thing that's finally out of the way! Yay!
Today I had my hair cut and highlighted, and I love it. I've never been so happy with anything I've done to my hair. Yay again! I also managed to find a gift for Joelle's shower which is on Monday; not too risqué but not matronly either.
Tomorrow Laurie and I are going to pop by Sheila's 50th surprise birthday for a bit before we head off for Joelle's stag; should be a fun time!
Sunday Jesse and I are taking Tigger to the vet for his checkup and vaccinations.
How's that for a quick update? I just don't have the energy to be as witty and entertaining as usual.
They're calling for a thunderstorm again today; maybe this time I'll luck out? Hope so. Have a good weekend all! 
Friday, August 08, 2003
  Hi! I'm back after a week-long hiatus, as I've been too wrapped up in my exciting, adventurous life to bother with the mundane act of blogging. Actually, I have been busy every day and have just now found a few moments to sit down and reminisce.
Tuesday I had my final doctor's appointment before going away and got an extremely good piece of news; the lumps in my throat are perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. Pha-yoof! What a relief. Now I can go back to worrying about all of the usual things a hypochondriac worries about, like nuclear attacks and being attacked by Jaws in the shower (ok, ok - that's not hypochondria, that's schizophrenia, but I honestly do hear the theme song from Jaws while I'm in the shower and it freaks me out more than I should be admitting).
Yesterday I took the float plane to V (the helicopter was wayyy too expensive, and it would have been ridiculous to waste that kind of money just to go to V for a few hours; not that the float plane wasn't expensive, but as I said I'm spoiled). Anyway, it was an awesome flight and totally exciting. I spent the day in V all by myself for the first time ever and only got lost once! I walked for a total of six hours, did some shopping and site-seeing, actually used a map, and got everything done at the consulate office in preparation for receiving my work visa. When I got home I was exhausted, had boil-sized blisters all over my feet, and was immensely proud of myself for having become the independent person I used to be. It feels really good.
Laurie and I went for a much-needed swim in the lake, and then Jesse and I ordered pizza because I had no energy to cook, let alone figure out what I could make with rice, some limp brown lettuce, and ketchup (my mom would no doubt make something delicious out of that, but I could not!).
Today Jesse is in Seattle with David and Michael for the much anticipated Metallica concert. I don't know if Jesse was more excited about the concert or exploring comic shops he's never been to, but he seemed more than happy to bounce out of bed at 5 this morning (I, on the other hand, cracked one eye open and contemplated throwing the alarm clock and him out the nearest window - not necessarily in that order). I'm all by my lonesome tonight and enjoying having some quiet, solitary time, but I have to admit that I miss him - kind of freaks me out, cause if I can miss him this much for one night, one year is going to be really hard.
A final thought - I relayed to my boss today how one of the most astounding things about the plane ride was that none of the people on board looked out the windows at all. It really struck me, because I can't imagine being blasé about a view like that even if I did take the plane every day. He said something that is really sticking with me and I thought I'd share it with you. The girls at work think it's totally cheesy, and I guess it is, but it's also really poignant. He said that there was a message about life to be learned from my flight; "that we must always look out the windows". Kind of like that song that says "I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean." And so, I hope you also look out the windows every day of your lives as you never know what you'll see out there. 
Saturday, August 02, 2003
  I hope you had a safe flight to LA Laurie, and that you survived it without any permanent emotional scarring!!
Today I finally received my Certificate of Eligibility from Japan, which means that I can finally go to V to apply for my work visa. Unfortunately I can't just send all the forms in the mail; I have to apply in person. But on the bright side, my dad's sending me over on a heli-jet so that I can get it done quickly. That is soooo exciting!!! I've never been on a helicopter before and am totally stoked. I should also mention here that I am the most spoiled daughter this side of the equator.
Tonight Jesse is taking me to see Tomb Raider and I can't-can't-can't wait!! Those of you who know me know about my insatiable appetite for Angelina Jolie movies, and I've been dying for this one to come out. If it were up to me we'd have seen it on opening night, but Jesse refuses to battle the crowds on opening nights.
Tomorrow we're off to F-Beach to celebrate David's birthday. Should be really fun - we're taking badminton and volleyball, as well as the much anticipated Silver- corn I've been dying to sink my teeth into all summer. As if we weren't busy enough, his cousin Wendy has invited us to their house for tomorrow night. We'll see about that one though, as all the fresh air might do me in by that point (old age and all).
Sunday we have no plans which means I'm going to spend the day swimming at the lake if his parents will have me! And Monday we said we'd dog-sit Kimtuk as my dad and Katherine will be away for the day. I'm looking forward to that too; I'm going to take him for a really long walk.
Cheers everybody and have a good long weekend! 
Yeah, I know it's lazy, but I wanted to find a way to keep everyone updated without having to say the same thing a hundred times!

06/01/2003 - 07/01/2003 / 07/01/2003 - 08/01/2003 / 08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003 / 09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 / 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 / 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003 / 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 / 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 / 02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 / 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 / 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 / 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 / 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 / 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 / 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 / 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004 / 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 / 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 / 01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005 / 02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005 / 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 / 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 / 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 / 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 / 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 / 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 / 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 /

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