Friday, September 12, 2003
  Well here I am - yours truly is in one of the biggest cities in the world and loving every minute of it. There have been intense highs and lows with moments of unstoppable tears and moments of total confidence and excitement. What can I tell you without it taking 3 hours (I only have half an hour).
Leaving you guys at the airport was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my whole life. I literally thought my heart was going to crumble into a million pieces and never be whole again! Things were a little better once I got to Vancouver and found Laura, though, and the flight wasn't bad because I slept through most of it. Osaka airport was not at all intimidating and there were fewer Asians than in Van!! No problems in customs and we were ready to leave after only five minutes of being there!! Changed my traveller's cheques and made arrangements to have the luggage shipped and everything! When I first got here I was amazed at how like Vancouver it is - just on a bigger scale. Lots more trees than I was expecting but I haven't seen any traditional architecture yet. I was accompanied right to my apartment by someone from my company and then left by myself, after which I cried for about an hour because it was all so overwhelming. I listened to Enya while trying to go to sleep Laurie and felt much better, so thank you again.
Yesterday, Thursday for me, my luggage was supposed to be delivered b/n 8AM and noon so I couldn't leave my apartment (which is bigger than the Bay street suite by the way). My roommate is out of town, I had no food and water and couldn't leave and the #$"#" luggage didn't show up until 9PM!! I was pissed with a capital P. After it showed up I wanted to go out for food and to charge my phonecard but couldn't because we had a massive thunderstorm!! Woo hoo!! I was very happy! Then I ventured out for my first excursion and had a great time. The people were super friendly, especially when I practiced a bit of my Japanese. First purchases in Japan: water, orange juice and iced tea. Then back to phone home from the payphone that's right by my apartment (which, by the way is right on Nakanoshima River if anyone wants to look me up on a map).
Today I unpacked so the room feels more like mine now. I introduced myself to my neighbors and gave them gifts as is customary here, and they are really nice. Then I ventured out alone to buy stamps (success) and caught the subway ALONE without getting lost to meet two of the girls I met on the plane who are in my area. We had lunch at an Italian restaurant (I'm afraid it even topped the Robson Street carbonara mom and Vex!!), and then spent the whole day shopping. We went to this place (called Shinsibashi or something like that - can't remember) that is nothing but shops for something like 20 KM. We walked the whole thing both ways and are now exhausted and needed an airconditioned place to sit down (it's been 35 everyday and I didn' bring any summer clothes which is really sucking -I hope to lose 5 lbs. just from sweating so much. Also because of the pollution and sweat you're always really dirty here and can't even bother with makeup. I am gorgeous right now). This strip is the most amazing assault on the senses I've ever experienced in my whole life. Thousands of people and so much to see that it's really overwhelming. But amazing too. I miss you guys but I am so so excited to be here and I am so very glad I came. Near my apartment there aren't alot of pedestrians, but here it looks exactly like what you see on TV. And about the TV - I've been watching nothing but Japanese TV for two days and it's like Iron Chef times a million, so I haven't attempted to eat anything authentic yet - Jessica and I are off to do that after we're done here. Women walk by themselves here at all hours of the night and I haven't once felt scared or intimidated - that's amazing too.
Tomorrow I have to find my way to my Ward Office to register as an 'alien resident' and then I'm going to meet up with Jessica and Heather and we're going to go to Osaka castle. Tomorrow night we're going to check out the bar scene and get loaded in Japan - woo hoo!! And after that I'm putting myself on a strict budget. Today I bought a reading lamp for my room because the overhead one is so bright my retinas are seriously damaged. :) I also got a garbage can, some hangers (have to iron all my work clothes - blech), stationary so I can send you guys some old fashioned mail, and my first gift which is for dun-dun-dun-dun-David. You'd better be excited David because it's so perfect for you and I can't wait to see your face. Don't feel left out guys - there are 65437 billion neat things I'll have to decide between for you. In one 18 floor department store I found a section with probably 10000 products for the feet alone. It's really insane here - consumerism beyond anything you've ever seen. The last things I need are a light cotton robe (forgot the kimono Jesse bought me), slippers to wear in the apartment but none I've found so far will fit me, and a three-prong thingy for my room outlet because all the outlets here are 2-prong and I therefore can't use my laptop just yet.
Sorry this is so disjointed but there's so much to say and so much running through my head that I can't think straight. All around me is Jesse's biggest wetdream (sorry to be crass, but it is) - a shop bigger than our house full of Manga. Someone tell him that the next time they talk to him please!
Yay - it's thundering again. Have I mentioned how much this place rocks? There's an AMPM, a 7-11, an Esso, a McDonald's, a supermarket, and dozens of restaurants right across the bridge from my apartment, and my subway station is 5 minutes away as well, located right by my post office which is where I can wire money home, change traveller's cheques, recharge my phonecard, and buy stamps. So convenient. This is so not as intimidating as I thought. The signs being in another language hasn't phased me because I orient myself by landmarks anyway. Also most places like the airport and the subway stations have English under the Japanese and totally detailed maps! Your small city girl is going to make it (ahh the confidence of someone only 48 hours in).
More misc. details: my roommate is great, the toilet has three settings for washing one's backside and a sink on the back that turns on when you flush, my futon pads are really comfy, I need you guys to send pictures of yourselves to put up around my room, a cat had kittens right outside my apartment so I watch them all the time, the station with the bus that takes me to the airport is only 10 minutes from my apartment so when it's time to leave I won't have to lug my stuff all over the place (the walk with my overnight luggage the first night was rough - I was in jeans and a sweater walking in 35 degree heat up a ton of stairs throught the subway station. My company provides cheap cel phones (and DSL so I'm getting both) so you guys can reach me with phone cards at any time you want (this is free for me) and I can call you with phone cards for 4ï¿¥ per minute (2 1/2 cents), as well as my friends here with whom I've already made lots of plans to go to see some of this beautiful country. I can't wait to see the castle tomorrow because I haven't yet seen any traditional architecture.
I'm sure I'll think of a million things to add when I sign off, but for now I have to go - get 20 mins. of english news at 6PM but other than that feel pretty isolated, because most of it is only about what's going on here.
So, I love you guys, I miss you so much, but don't worry about me. I'm having a great time (even though I'm sure there will be rough times too) and feel so blessed that I am actually here. I'm freaking in Japan!! ACHHH!!! Lucky Me!! PS: sorry for any spelling mistakes - I don't have time to check for them. 
Monday, September 08, 2003
  Well kids, this will be my last installment before heading off for the wild blue yonder as the computer is getting packed up tomorrow. It may be a few weeks in Japan before I can get the internet hooked up in my apartment, so you can call Jesse for any info if you're dying to know how I'm doing (and I know you all will be).
Last night I had the biggest surprise when I showed up at Barb & Frank's for what was supposed to have been a little family farewell gathering; everybody was there including friends and family on both sides, and I was ecstatic to see everyone. I mentioned to someone that I need only look at how many people showed up on my behalf if I'm ever feeling down or lost; I am the luckiest girl in the world to have such a support network that it baffles me. Thank you to everyone for making the night so meaningful and special; special thanks to Barb and Frank for hosting and to my mom for making me the most amazing picture collage to take with me. I didn't drink much because I didn't want to be laid out and incapacitated today, but I still managed to spend a good amount of time crying which was good for me because I needed to get some of it out of my system.
Tonight Jesse and I had dinner at my mom and David's. I got to pick the fare - ribs, corn on the cob and mashed potatoes, and then for dessert we had Kinder eggs and sat around playing with the little toys they come with. It was a great evening; the most relaxing we've had in a while, and we both just got home totally beat with some movies. We need time for some serious vegging as I still have to pack tomorrow and get all my last minute stuff done.
So, I must bid you all a fond farewell ("Sayonara" as they say in Japanese), with promises to keep in touch and send lots of pictures. Whenever I'm down all I'll have to do is conjure each of your faces and I know I'll smile. Not only because I love you all so much, but because I am so fortunate that you're all rooting for me. And with that, goodbye, cause "I'm leavin' on a jet plane . . ." And just to cut the sappiness a bit, if you guys don't send mail I'll kick your asses so hard when I get back - I'll be keeping a checklist to keep track of who knows how to be nice to Meegan, and to borrow Belinda's idea, if you neglect me you won't get any cool souvenirs. Ciao!! 
Saturday, September 06, 2003
  OK-Levels of "freaking-out-edness" are now officially off the scale. The staff lunch today was really good; I only teared up for a few moments and had a really nice time with everybody. The girls bought me a little figurine of a squirrel which I love and will cherish always (not only am I a crazy cat lady, but a crazy squirrel lady as well), the food was yummy, and Gary's son Kevin gave me a bunch of software to manipulate digital images. Jesse and I spent hours today driving all over God's green acres looking for phone cards that I can use in Japan to call here, but no such luck (wait - the phonecard saga will continue in a moment), and then went for dinner at his Dad and Val's. As always the food there was really yummy, and they surprised me with some American money to take with me. I had a chance to take lots of pictures of the lake as I'll miss so much next summer not being able to swim whenever I want :(.
On the way home we stopped at a little convenience store to see if they had any of the phone cards I was looking for and VOILA!!, or so I thought. I paid $100 to buy the cards, got home and called the company to find out what my country code is so I could write it on them, and found out they can't be used outside of Canada. I specifically asked the guy at the store if I could call here from Japan with them and he said yes, so I was elated, but am now stuck with $100 worth of calling cards I can't use. The guy at the 1-800 number helpfully suggested that Jesse could use them from here to call me, but I was like: ON WHAT FRICKIN PHONE?!! Anyway, even though the cards say "non-refundable" and despite the fact that I've ripped off the unnecessary part AND written the country code on them, I'm taking them back to the store tomorrow to raise some hell. I'm really upset that I've been misled and am now back to frantically trying to find these bloody cards which exist, but apparently only in some strange universe accessible to a limited few.
That's my rant for the day, as I'm really tired and just had a big HUGE boo-hoo over the phone cards. Son of a biotch, as Laurie would say. 
Thursday, September 04, 2003
  Well hallelujah; my Osaka address has finally arrived. At the risk of being contacted in Osaka by complete maniacs, I'm posting the address here because it's easier than sending a group email (and, if you remember, that's why I started this blog in the first place). Apparently people often never get their mail in Japan because it's addressed incorrectly, so not only am I expecting each and every one of you to bombard me with mail, I also (I know this is asking alot) expect to receive it.
So here it is:

#303 Nakanoshima River Side Heights
1-2-16 Kawaguchi

Oh crap you guys. I'm actually doing this. 
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
  Two words: Freaking. Out.
OK, so despite the fact that I've caught the plague (well just a bad cold), have a million things to do (well 3482) and no time in which to do it, and am starting to break out in nervous sweats all the time, things are right on track. Jesse and I are enjoying our time off together and have spent it to date doing nothing besides relaxing. Kind of hard to do anything else when you feel, as my dad always says, like a 10 lb. bag of shit stuffed into a 5 lb. bag.
Last night I did some preliminary packing and almost had a nervous break down when I realized how heavy the suit case is (this is just the one with toiletries and stuff - I haven't even started packing clothes), but called the airline today and am fortunately allowed 70 lbs. per checked piece, so I'm okay in that department. Phew! It was about to come down to choosing between my tampons and my chocolate, and I'm sure I need not tell you which was going to have to stay. Good news regarding the space saver bags, though, THEY ACTUALLY WORK!! We stuffed a quilt, sheet set, towels and a cloth into one of them, sucked the air out with the vacuum, and the whole thing is only about three inches thick now. Why have I never purchased these things before?
Today I went in to work so Gary and I could play with some software on my laptop (the novelty of which has by no means worn off) and he surprised me with a new digital camera. And not just a digital camera, but a case, memory card, lithium batteries with charger - the whole 9 yards. More tears for Meegan, as if I haven't been doing enough of that lately!
So, I feel like crap and I'm crying alot, but the adventure I started planning six months ago is finally just around the corner. It's really all about masochism; I'm sad and scared sick, but I really want to do this. Go figure.
I'm off to learn how to use my camera! (This from the girl who, until a year ago, couldn't program a VCR without cutting off the power supply to Western civilization). Wish me luck and thank God for step-by-step instruction manuals. 
Yeah, I know it's lazy, but I wanted to find a way to keep everyone updated without having to say the same thing a hundred times!

06/01/2003 - 07/01/2003 / 07/01/2003 - 08/01/2003 / 08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003 / 09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 / 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 / 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003 / 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 / 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 / 02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 / 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 / 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 / 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 / 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 / 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 / 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 / 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004 / 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 / 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 / 01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005 / 02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005 / 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 / 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 / 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 / 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 / 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 / 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 / 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 /

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