Not much to report today. Last night, 10 minutes before Home Depot closed, I took one look at Jesse's sweaty face and my plastered-to-my-skin shirt, and decided that enough was enough. I didn't care if he had to pay $100; we needed a fan. So off he went with 10 minutes and found a great fan, and we had the best sleep we've had in a long time; even the cat, who sprawled out in front of it after spending an hour inspecting it to make sure it wasn't something scary like the vacuum cleaner.
My new driver's license arrived yesterday, and the pictures are a much better quality than they used to be. Not at all as hideous as my passport pictures! There are miracles.
Last bit of news is that I dropped off my money for Joelle's stag today; we're getting a limo with Karaoke!! I'm so excited. Should be a really good time, if the girls there don't make me angry (some are giving the organizer a hard time for not getting a stripper, for not inviting so-and-so, and blah, blah, blah. I have always been under the impression that the bride chooses who she wants to come to the stag and/or shower, and gives the list to the person or persons doing the organizing; sounds to me like some people need to shut their yaps and not come if they're going to be party-poopers on Joelle's big night. Some things never change, but it's fun to re-inact Degrassi High every now and then, isn't it?). Chow for now!
¶ 7/31/2003 06:11:00 AM
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Need . . . jump . . . lake. Can't . . . breathe . . . hell-hole. Sweating . . . like . . . pig (not glowing this time at all). I think you catch my drift. And it's only supposed to keep getting hotter as the week progresses. I gripe along with the best of them when it rains, but this is insane. I've spent the better part of the evening reading in the backyard, because when I say I can't breathe in this house I'm not kidding. The ice packs aren't cutting it anymore because they melt in half an hour and take hours to re-freeze. Yes all I feel like doing is kvetching today (to borrow from Laurie's linguistic gallery of cool words I get to use entirely too rarely).
Actually the only reason I'm back again today is to say that my plane tickets were here when I got home. Achh. If I wanted a good dose of reality, I've finally got it.
¶ 7/29/2003 12:24:00 PM
Achh . . . when I go so long without updating it feels like such a daunting task. We got home with 28 bottles of wine on Thursday (yayy, it's finally ready) and are going to let them age a bit before opening them. Jesse drove me all over the place this weekend in search of the things I needed to buy for my trip (business clothes, space saver bags, toiletries, gifts for hosts etc. etc. etc.). Not only was I reminded of why we normally don't shop together, but I was also reminded of how much I love Jesse (especially for trying to be so patient even though he probably wanted to poke his own eyes out instead of head into one more women's clothing store). I got everything done and have crossed a huge chunk of stuff off of my To-Do list (thank God for small miracles). We spent some time watching the Godfather trilogy (my favorite movies, hands down) and did some swimming at his Dad's which is one of my very favorite things in the world to do. I'm going to try to do it as much as possible because I know I'll miss it next year (even though wearing a bathing suit in public is one of the most traumatic things in the world for me, I have to do it, because I am a fish according to everyone who knows me). And I'm not a wuss about swimming like Jesse is; he'll jump in for a few minutes whereas I can stay in for hours, and do! Fortunately for me Laurie went with us on Saturday (despite her twisted ankle - that's a story I'd better let her tell you!) so I had some company. Lastnight we had dinner at his dad's and I finally had my first "Silver...." corn of the season. Yummy!! Another one of my cute little quirks is that I would rather eat six cobs of peaches and cream corn for supper (and I often do) over anything else in the world; I love it with lots of salt and butter so that afterwards my lips are totally numb from all the salt. Sounds crazy, but it's a piece of my heaven.
Thankfully this week will be a little less hectic in the planning department, because I didn't catch up on any sleep this weekend. Gotta get back to work!!
¶ 7/29/2003 02:02:00 AM
Friday, July 25, 2003
Yet another crisis averted; I went to the bank and sorted everything out. They have lodged a complaint against the girl who originally helped me, and will order my traveler's cheques on August 14th then give me a call to come in and sign them. And they have arranged it so that I will not be penalized for cashing in my unauthorized GIC when I go in to pay for them. Phew . . . I am truly exhausted. And I still get to willingly have new holes made in my arms after work today! Yayyy! It doesn't get any better than this people.
¶ 7/25/2003 06:40:00 AM
Thursday, July 24, 2003
Could somebody out there please call me and give me another problem? No really, I mean it, because I haven't had enough fires to put out already. My stress level is not out of this world, and I am not about to collapse in an exhausted heap on the floor and declare myself mentally bankrupt. How's that for sarcasm? I know I'm usually really funny and witty, and that I'm so upbeat and positive that you all end up in stitches, feeling so much better about life after you've read my blogs, but today I just don't have it in me to be that amazing. I'll entertain you, of course, as I always do, but don't expect to see the sky open up and reveal singing angels today, cause it 'aint gonna happen.
Here's why I'm so stressed this time (I know you're dying to hear): Approximately two weeks ago I called my bank to pre-order my Japanese yen traveler's cheques, as my employer suggested that they can take a while to arrive. Fine. The girl set everything up, told me they were on order, told me to expect the funds to be withdrawn from my account within the week, and to call her a week before I wanted to go in and sign them. Well, today I received a letter from my bank informing me that those funds had been withdrawn to open a GIC (whatever the hell that is) in my name, and that it would accrue x-amount of interest in the next year. First of all, I never gave anyone permission to open anything with my money, let alone a GIC, and I told the girl I'd need the traveler's cheques in mid-August, which she assured me was no problem. Not only that, but the funds in the GIC are not available until next July unless I want to pay a penalty. What the #$@%@#!!! This is total B-S and you'd better believe I was on the phone right away with a bank representative who informed me that (a) the traveler's cheques have not been ordered, (b) the traveler's cheques will have to be ordered in person at my home branch AND (c) it is up to the teller at my home branch to contact a supervisor and determine whether or not I can actually access those funds!! I say again, what the #$@%#@!!! I asked the person to whom I was speaking (in as civil a voice as possible mom, don't worry) if the fact that I had not consented to this GIC being opened accounts for anything and he said that it does, but again a supervisor will have to determine the status of my funds. To which I replied (still trying to be civil) that because a form with my signature consenting to (a)the withdrawl of those funds and (b) the use of those funds to open a GIC does not exist , it stands to reason that I am in no way in the wrong, and should be able to access those funds whenever I want, without penalty. The guy (who, it seems, forgot periodically that he even works for a bank) couldn't answer any of my questions and basically told me to contact my home branch tomorrow. Crap on a cracker!! In this whole planning process I have learned that nothing goes right, nothing pans out the way you expect it to, and nobody has a bleep-ing clue what they're talking about. I'm sure I'll get an entirely different answer from the next person I speak to, but alas that seems to be the way things go these days. That's my rant for now. I am quite obviously extremely ticked and need to have some relaxy time before bed, or I'll just end up stewing all night.
Tomorrow I have to get another round of vaccinations done and then we're off to bottle our wine with Barb and Frank. I made Jesse promise to save me a bottle of the Zinfandel for when I get home, cause it's my favorite and I helped make the stuff. We'll see how that goes, as I am so wonderful that he will miss me terribly, and have to drown his sorrows. :) Good night, and sorry this wasn't more uplifting!
¶ 7/24/2003 12:08:00 PM
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
I forgot to mention yesterday that the facial Laurie got me for my birthday was wonderful. I think women should do that at least a few times a year, as it was so relaxing and my skin still feels great.
Tonight I'm going to renew my Driver's License (I know I don't use it-that joke is so old guys) and then cook our seventeen dollar halibut (this is splurging for us cause we don't spend alot of money on meat or anything, but we've discovered that we LOVE halibut).
I mailed my extended medical application today and can finally wash my hands of that side of things. However, due to my new medication, the company requires a letter from my doctor stating that I will be able to enjoy life in Japan (translation: I'm not going to attempt suicide, assault their students, or sue them claiming mental damages). I hated having to tell them but was required by-law. Oh well, now they think I'm crazy. So does the rest of the world, so who cares right?! Gotta get back to work!
¶ 7/23/2003 02:35:00 AM
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
We had quite an uneventful weekend so there's not much to report right now; just busy trying to cross things off of my "To Do" list and get things done even though I have to be here full time. Ran into another snag, however, as my extended plan would only cover me until August 31st of next year, and since I am not due to return until sometime at the end of September, that was no good. I've decided just to go with their health insurance rather than keep trying to find a Canadian carrier that will cover me for 365 days+. I feel like I'm jumping through hoops every day, I tell you what. Like for everything I try to accomplish I have to add three more things to my list. Acch!! As much as I'm going to miss all of you, I think it's going to be a huge relief just to finally get on that plane (haven't I already said this? if so, oh well. i'm bound to keep repeating myself) because it will mean that all the planning and list-making is over. Sighhhh . . .
I found out this morning that my flight out of [home] has been changed from 11AM to 10:35AM, which gives me more time in V to find out where I'm supposed to go and get through Customs, and such. According to the travel agent I won't have to deal with my luggage again once I check it in at the airport here which would be a huge stress off of my shoulders, but at the same time I feel like they could possibly screw up and not get it onto my flight to Japan. I wouldn't be surprised, the way things work these days, but one can hope.
It's getting really close, feeling extremely real now, and I have almost constant butterflies in my tummy. I haven't been all weepy, though, except when I look at Tigger and wish to myself for the millionth time that I could take him with me. Oh well, a year is not that long . . . (the more I say it, I hope, the more I'll believe it).
¶ 7/22/2003 05:36:00 AM
Saturday, July 19, 2003
Wheww . . . what a day. Crossed a few things off of my "To Do" list, though, which means I only have aproximately 3596 things left to do before I go. Yesterday I finally had the rest of my passport photos taken and won't have to worry about it again. In this set I look like a stunned, deranged, wrinkled old hag, so my theory about them getting better each time has gone completely out the window. At least all of you know how stunning I am - ha ha.
Today I: had my ultrasound done, but won't get the results until Tuesday. I'm trying not to worry because that won't get me anywhere, but it's still hard not to feel some anxiety about it. I also had a doctor's appointment and got a copy of my prescriptions and a letter from my doctor, which will hopefully get me through customs unaccosted. Then I booked my flights (leaving from home at 11 AM on September 9th, from V at 12:45 PM on September 9th, and arriving in Osaka at 3:30 PM Japan time on September 10th), paid for my BC Medical for one year, paid off my credit card, and set aside money to pay off Jesse's DVD player. I feel like my ducks are almost in a row!! Yayyy . . . a few less things to do.
Jesse and I spent the rest of the afternoon (obviously playing hooky from work) relaxing and reading and trying to survive the ungodly heat in this house. Finally, Laurie and I went to the Lagoon with the double chair and had a long and much needed chat; just like old times. I wish we had more time to go "double-chairing," but am grateful we got to do it at all. My long chats with Laurs are so good for the soul; we get all our bitching off of our chests, solve the world's problems, and rehash the same millions of topics we've been discussing for years. Good times and I love my Laurs!
Jesse and Al are chatting it up in the living room like a couple of women; I haven't heard Jesse string so many sentences together in a really long time. Must be the company - you know how it is after ten years in a relationship when you've heard one another's stories a million times and stare blankly at each other across the dinner table. :)
Gotta go read my book - I've read the Outlander (by Diana Gabaldon) series four times already and am as hooked this time around as I was the other times. I highly recommend these books to anyone who cares to read them; I've already hooked all the girls at work, Jesse, Laurie's mom, and various others who cared to hear me go on and on about them, so now it's your turn. Go read them!!
¶ 7/19/2003 02:40:00 PM
Friday, July 18, 2003
OK, so now you all think I'm a slacker because I'm writing a blog at work. But this one is IMPORTANT! I just got my departure info from the company and had to tell someone. Having exhausted the opportunity to tell Jesse, my mom and David, and dad, that leaves all the other millions of close personal friends. I leave September 9 and arrive in Osaka on September 10. I won't have specifics about flight times until I actually book the flight, which will be some time tomorrow. But atleast I know something concrete now. It's all starting to feel so real! Oh yeah, and the flight is only $799 one way, which is MUCH cheaper than I was expecting. Hooray for group flights! More later!
¶ 7/18/2003 06:09:00 AM
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Remember how I once said "I am such a brave, strong little girl" after having returned from an afternoon at the dentist? It was most certainly true, but I am now even more convinced. Today I had to go to have my first round of vaccinations done and spent the better part of the day in nervous anticipation of the dreaded needles. Well it turns out it wasn't nearly as bad as I had worked myself up to think it would be, but I'm glad it's over. Well, not completely over; I have to go back in a week to get another one and then in 21 days to get the final one. Today I had shots for Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B. I am a walking disease fighter!! One of the "entry sites" really hurts (worse than when I got my tattoo done-really), but on the bright side I got a big green lollipop for being so brave. Thanks again dad for taking care of this for me; I really appreciate it (even though my arms don't, I do).
¶ 7/16/2003 12:00:00 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
Well it's a darn good thing I pay the gas and water bills around this joint cause I just took an hour long shower and there 'aint a thing anyone can say about it (except maybe Jesse who's SOL if he wanted to take a shower tonight as well). Many of you might not know that I am famous for long showers; the standing motto in my house growing up was "short shower Meegan," and you'd better believe I heard that from my dad every single time I headed off to take one. Not that it ever did any good, but I sure feel bad now that I see how much it costs. Anyway, I love my long showers even more than baths, and am now feeling extremely relaxed which is a good thing considering how stressful my planning mode has been.
Speaking of planning mode, my "To Do" for yesterday was to make a "To Do" List, which I did, and it is three pages long. Acch!! I told someone jokingly the other day that I need a personal assistant just to manage everything for me, but now that I see how much I still have left to do I'm starting to think that it's not a bad idea. OK, realistically we all know I'm not actually going to hire a personal assistant, so I sat down today and filled out my daytimer with all of my important dates and appointments. There haven't been many times in my life where I've actually needed to use one; strangely even in school I managed to function without having to use one all the time, but things would be rapidly deteriorating into the realm of chaos mode had I not decided to bite the bullet and do it. Oh, and as a final thought about personal assistants, I should point out that Jesse, my mom, my dad and David have all been helping me SO much that I really shouldn't be complaining about how much I have to do. I would not be surviving without their help, believe me.
Tomorrow I have to go to start my first round of vaccinations. Thanks for helping dad, because I had no idea they were going to be so expensive. The thought of willingly turning myself into a pin cushion several times over the next six weeks does not thrill me in the slightest, but then again neither does the thought of being rushed home because I've contracted some scary disease. One in particular (for Japanese encephalitis - whatever that is) costs $90 a pop and has to be done three times. All in all it's going to be about $400 or more. Yet another thing someone looking into teaching in Japan should know. It's going to cost me about $5000 just to get there for pete's sake! and this venture is apparently not for the faint of heart.
On Friday we finally had the big night of stirring our wine batches. Jesse and Frank posed as the foremen and stood by offering helpful hints while Barb and I did all the work; typical I say. Saturday we had Chinese food with the whole fam dam (minus Sean and Jordynn) and I did not get the thunderstorm the weather people had promised. :( Sunday we did nothing but relax, which was just fine by me.
Lots to cross off my "To Do" list this week, but fortunately I was able to book the facial my Laur-Laurs got me for my birthday for this Saturday. An hour and a half of pampering, all for yours truly. What an awesome gift Laurie - I'm grateful and so excited!
I fear I've written another novel; I just can't seem to help myself (ask Jesse and my parents and they'll confirm that I never shut up). It's a good thing most of you are using DSL or cable, or you'd spend an hour just trying to download my page! Nighty-night!
¶ 7/15/2003 02:04:00 PM
Friday, July 11, 2003
Oh my good God do Jesse and I ever need to invest in a fan for the inferno that has overtaken our humble abode; it is so hot in here that it is hard to breathe and I am glowing profusely (girls don't sweat, they glow).
For those of you who didn't know this already, I am the world's best girlfriend; I found a documentary about comic books tonight and Jesse is currently enthralled. Yeah that's right - I rule.
In other news, we watched a show about a guy who traveled to Japan tonight and I got all excited again for the first time in a long time. In fact, Jesse actually said he's jealous and our long talk about how much fun I'm going to have reminded me about all the reasons I want to go in the first place. Of course I've wanted to go all along, but sometimes it's been hard to remember why in the midst of all the chaos involved with planning such an "excursion." It's really helpful to have reminders along the way, especially when I get bogged down by the logistics of such an endeavour and all the anticipation of the emotional repercussions of my decision.
I can already feel in my bones how much this trip is going to change my life, and I can't wait. A long time ago I was a person who never shied away from a challenge or an adventure and I don't know how she got lost along the way; all I know is that I'm greatful to have this opportunity to find her again. What a gift that is, when you really think about it. So many people have already told me how much they wish they'd done something like this when they had the chance, which helps to reinforce just how much I need to do this. I spent so many years in a complete fog and I am not willing to do that anymore; nor am I willing to accept that life is full of regrets, because it shouldn't be.
I can't even begin to tell you how much I admire my mom for being so adventurous throughout her life. Many of you don't know this, but she has always been quite the risk-taker. She mountain climbed, went on caving expeditions, did wilderness adventures where she and several other women were dropped in the woods and had to survive and find their way out, drove a Harley, flew airplanes, was a nurse, worked with orphans in Inuvik, worked for Jean Chretian (before he was our Prime Minister), learned how to fix machinery . . . the list goes on. Even now whenever she's interested in something she simply signs up for classes and learns; as a result she knows how to do several types of artwork, knows Polynesian and belly dancing, has taken several cooking classes including a four day course at the cooking college in Vancouver, has her food safe, and has taken far more computer classes than I ever have. There is a lesson to be learned for all of us in that. Most of us, myself included, only ever just talk about learning how to do the things that interest us, and what a waste that is of the unique gifts each of us has been given and may never know about out of fear or laziness. Perhaps my mom doesn't know how much I admire her strength and her courage, or how much I wish I could emulate her passion and enthusiasm for life. I suppose she never expected me to show her that by doing something as drastic as moving to Japan, but we take our opportunities as they come. So, thank you mom for being an inspiration and for raising me to be another strong and independent woman. You've been a wonderful and positive influence in my life and I only hope that I can make you as proud of me as I am of you. Here goes nothing!!
¶ 7/11/2003 02:19:00 PM
Thursday, July 10, 2003
Ah, the odyssey continues. Yes, another day in the life of your favorite soon-to-be-world-traveler. So it turns out I lied yesterday when I said I only have two major things left to do in preperation for my departure. Not only do I have to renew my driver's license and order the traveler's cheques, but I have to get my vaccinations done six weeks prior to my departure (as in I should get them done no later than the end of next week), go to the consular office for the Japanese embassy in Vancouver when my visa application arrives (more money - >: [ ), and fill in all the appropriate custom's forms in order to take my prescription meds into Japan. I don't know what made me think of it today, but I thought to myself, it legal to take a year's worth of my meds into the country. It turns out you're only allowed to take one month's supply unless you have a letter from your doctor stating what the meds are for, a copy of the actual prescription, and all the forms proving to customs that you've registered the items you plan to take. I guess people take drugs there illegally and then sell them, or some such thing. Also, it turns out you're only allowed a certain amount of other items as well; only two month's supply of over-the-counter remedies like Tylenol, only certain amounts of makeup and other toiletries, only a certain amount of perfume etc. I guess people take large quantities of hard to get American products and try to sell those as well. And you're not allowed Niquil, Sinutab, Contact C, or any other sinus medications because ours contain an ingredient that they deem to be a narcotic. Failure to meet these regulations can result in their confiscation and your incarceration for several weeks. It's a darn good thing I looked into this or I could have been in a world of hurt. Picture that first phone call after my departure: {Jesse/Mom/Dad/whomever} - "Hi Meeg. How's Japan?" {Meegan} - "Um, I kind of have bad news. If iron bars can be said to represent the beautiful architecture I was expecting to see, then it's all good." {whomever} - "What?!" {Meegan} - "Yeah, you're going to have to get me a lawyer, cause I'm in jail for trying to bring Asparin and 3 eyeshadows into the country."
Will the fun never end?
¶ 7/10/2003 12:08:00 PM
Wednesday, July 09, 2003
Well I've finally figured out my health plan stuff and am merely waiting for the paperwork to arrive so that I can send it off to the company. The goods news is that if I lose and eye and a foot, or my reproductive capacity, or brain function, or (you get the picture) I'll either get a small sum of money or a flight home to cry on your shoulders; I guess either way I win (well, minus the much-cherished body parts, but what are ya gonna do). Apart from that paperwork, the last two major things I need to do are renew my driver's license (I know I never use it, but it expires next June while I'm away, and you have to have a valid license while in Japan) and go pre-order $2500 worth of Japanese yen traveler's cheques at the bank. Apparently they take quite a while to arrive and must be ordered in advance, so I MUST get to the bank this weekend and do that. I'm told there are kiosks at the Tokyo airport where you turn those traveler's cheques into cash - because the crime rate is so low in Japan and because the banks have such weird hours, people carry absurd amounts of cash around. That will definitely take some getting used to, since I rarely have cash on my person anymore; part in parcel with adjusting I suppose.
I'm off to experience an oh-so exciting evening of vegging in front of the tube, and there's nothing you can do about it.
¶ 7/09/2003 11:27:00 AM
Monday, July 07, 2003
Well, I am exhausted from the good times and fresh air, but I couldn't go for a nap without first sitting down to mention what a GREAT day I had because I don't want to forget it. We saw floats, drag queens, hot peeps, funky outfits, topless women, and leather chaps. All of us now have an arsenal of condoms and lube thrown by the people in the parade, rainbow beads we wore to show that we're extremely proud friends, and bright red bodies despite our repeated use of sunscreen throughout the day. The after party was awesome; live music, lots to see, a GayMart, an incredible cabaret singer who tastefully incorporated sex toys in her act; the list goes on. Anything, as you can see, went today; it was one of the best days I've had. I'm so glad that there is more acceptance in this world, that there are events like today where people feel absolutely free to be themselves, and that I was invited along to share it with one of my very favorite people on the planet (C). It's friends like him who make me wish the world was an even better place, as I would hate for him to suffer in any way for being his wonderful, amazing self. After the party Laurie, Jesse, Jeannie (Laurie's friend from work) and I went for dinner and drinks at a local pub and had a nice evening sitting by the water, enjoying even more fresh air. Speaking of fresh air, I've had so much that I can barely keep my eyes open, and have to sleep now.
¶ 7/07/2003 10:38:00 AM
Sunday, July 06, 2003
I don't normally go so long without updating, but I've been having major problems with my computer. Every application was taking SO long that rigor mortis set in and I (this will shock those of you who know me) have no patience to speak of; suffice it to say that this crappy old fossil wasn't worth using. I finally downloaded a free anti-virus program and found 11 viruses. 11!! I've managed to solve the problems I was having and am now back in business; this old piece of crap is still the bane of my existence, but is at least functioning.
Well, Jesse and I went into this weekend without any plans for the first time in a long time. I had no idea what we were going to do until Laurie popped by for a visit today. We're going to see Finding Nemo tonight and tomorrow we're going with her, Colin, Armen and a bunch of their friends to the Pride Parade. I am SO excited!!! I've never been to one and am looking so much forward to it. I am so progressive that it kills me (ha ha). Actually, I have to admit that the opportunity to see so many hot, buff men with their shirts off is a huge motivating factor, however low my chances of actually touching those rock-hard bodies (oh please you guys; I may be taken, but you might as well be dead if you stop looking).
There you have it. A mundane, boring weekend becomes totally fun and exciting. My plan was to make the most of my summer, being that there are only twelve weekends in one, and so far I have succeeded. Life is so good right now that it almost makes me nervous; as in don't enjoy it too much Meeg because the next blow is coming. Very pessimistic I know, but if you'd seen my life you'd understand my pessimism. All negativity aside, life really is GOOD, and I am enjoying it so much. I guess the hard times serve one good purpose in that you know how to enjoy the good times when they arrive. And I am. I am so blessed it baffles me.
¶ 7/06/2003 10:16:00 AM
Thursday, July 03, 2003
This is just a quick update for my loyal readers (there must be like what, 3 of you now?!). I did not, as I had planned, get around to sending off my health plan application; however, I did take the time to re-read all of it. Not that that did me any good - do I want $10000 coverage for the loss of a limb, or $30000 for the loss of one foot and one eye? Let's be serious here for just a moment; do I even want to think about losing a limb or a foot and one eye, let alone the circumstances that would lead me to lose an eye at the same time I lost a foot? Knowing me, the only way that would happen is if I pull a Meegan (Dad what's chocolate brownie bing?) and forget that traffic goes the "wrong" way in Japan; read: Meegan walking into the middle of rush hour traffic and getting hit by a fast moving Kabuki cab. Don't you hate it when that happens? I especially hate it when I lose a foot and an eye while doing so.
All joking aside, I really do want to figure this out and will have to take the paperwork to my esteemed mentor for some advice. And of course that means that I'll have to suck it up and have some more passport photos taken. I think the girl at Walmart is starting to think I'm a freak or something - I mean who needs 12 passport photos? Maybe she just thinks I'm really vain; there are worse things.
Our weekend was really good; I got a chance to do some relaxing which was nice. It never fails though; four days can fly by before you know it, and you snap out of it at your desk and wonder where in the hell the last 96 hours went. Oh well - at least it's a short work week.
Will keep you posted (I know my minions are out there chomping at the bit to hear the latest mundane details of "my so-called life."
¶ 7/03/2003 02:14:00 PM
Yeah, I know it's lazy, but I wanted to find a way to keep everyone updated without having to say the same thing a hundred times!